April - May 2024

Cultural Values

In the series of topics on Virtues and Values, we have covered spiritual virtues and personal values. In this topic (the last in the series), we delve into cultural values.

As we review various cultural values together, it is our intent to explore the diversity with curiosity, appreciation, and love while avoiding any judgment. As a worldwide organisation, Connecting Consciousness has ‘family members’ around the world, and this topic provides the perfect opportunity to learn more about other areas and cultures and to celebrate our similarities and differences. It can also further our understanding of how humans can live well using different sets of ethical, moral, and legal values.

In looking at cultural values, we dive deeper into humanity and how we live in different ways around the world, in part based on the land and resources, including food, space, and other natural resources. Money, the class system, and the area where one resides play a role as well. Humans have evolved in each continent, country, and region, which all have their own unique characteristics developed by personal values from the ‘collective people’ in any given area. This is part of the beauty and diversity within humanity.

The full text as well as additional resources are available to CC Members on Mighty Networks, CC's private social connecting platform.

What are the Monthly Spiritual Topics (MST)?

We create new spiritual topics each month. Coordinators use these topics to facilitate discussions to give members the opportunity to talk about real-life situations and to share insights, ideas and strategies. The spiritual topics are posted on CC’s internal social connecting platform where members from around the world engage in conversation and share personal thoughts. These topics are designed to give points of discussion around self-awareness and spiritual development to enable and empower each of us to become the best version of who we are!

Aims of the MSTs

We are all on a unique journey to grow and find greater meaning, purpose, and joy in life. To do this entails a deep focus on one’s inner self. As 13th-century Persian poet, Rumi, stated, “Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”

To this end, the Monthly Spiritual Topics are designed to help members:

  • Know themselves better (self-realisation)
  • Connect with their inner wisdom
  • Develop conscious focus and intent
  • Live from a heart-centered space
  • Express compassion and be in service to everyone
  • Align with their Higher/Divine Self
  • Manifest positive change for themselves and the collective

Objectives of the MSTs

The Monthly Spiritual Topic process was created to serve two primary objectives: To offer spiritual dialogue and education for members and to provide Coordinators with relevant topic materials to facilitate engaging member discussions. This saves time for Coordinators who no longer need to search for topics and find materials to present. It also gives Coordinators the opportunity to further develop their facilitation skills.